Monday, November 10, 2008

Better late than never...

I've been meaning to share my "North of Ordinary" picture on the blog, but just never got around to up-loading the pictures.

I pictured a place where I was surrounded by vivid colours, not necessarily the colours that we see in this world. I believe that we all see colour differently and something that I see as purple, other people might see as blue or green or pink. I wanted to portray this concept, so I have purple trees, and turquoise water, and red shrubs. I chose to use pastels, a media that I haven't used in years. I probably didn't use the pastels "correctly", but I had fun doing it and I like how the colours turned out (the photo doesn't do them justice).

I did not have a chance to use "North of Ordinary" in a lesson, but I like Shayla's way of incorporating the concept into her class. I will definitely try to use this in the future.

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